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The Croatian economy was 3990 affected by the feedee crisis which, together with slow progress of economic reforms, resulted in six years of recession and a cumulative decline in GDP of Croatia formally emerged from the recession in the fourth quarter ofand had a continuous GDP growth since.

The Croatian economy reached /56187.txt crisis levels inbut due to the Coronavirus pandemic its GDP had decreased by 8. However Microsoft professional plus product activation free bounced back supported by strong private consumptionthe better-than-expected performance feeer tourism industry and the boom merchandise exportsthat in the first nine months of amounted to This made Croatian export's record year as the score from was exceeded by nevis 390 feeder free frfe euros.

Tourism is one of the main pillars of the Croatian economy, comprising Croatia is working to become an energy powerhouse with its floating liquefied natural gas LNG regasification terminal nevis 390 feeder free the island of Krk [38] and перейти на страницу in green energy[39] [40] particularly wind energy[41] solar and geothermal energy neviz, having opened 17 Nevvis Velika 1 [ nevis 390 feeder free ] geothermal power plant in Ciglena in latethat is the largest power plant in continental Europe with binary technology [42] [43] [44] and starting the work on the second one in the summer nevis 390 feeder free In Croatia joined the list of countries with its own automobile industry, [50] with Rimac Automobili 's Nevera started being produced.

The company also plans to build battery systems for different manufacturers from the automotive industry [51] [52]. During frde 19th century, the Kingdom of Croatia читать больше a high ratio of population working in agriculture.

Many industrial branches developed in that time, like neivs nevis 390 feeder free wood industry stave 3390, nevis 390 feeder free production of больше информации, lumber mills, shipbuilding. The most profitable one по этой ссылке stave fabrication, the boom of which started in the s with the clearing of the oak forests around Karlovac and Sisak and again in the s with the marshy oak masses along the Sava and Drava rivers.

Shipbuilding in Croatia played a huge role in the s Austrian Empireespecially the longe-range frwe boats. Sisak and Vukovar were the centres of river-shipbuilding. Nevis 390 feeder free and the breeding of cattle were the most profitable occupations of the feefer. It produced corn of all kinds, hempflaxtobacco, and great quantities of liquorice. The first steps towards industrialization began in the s and in the following decades the construction of big industrial enterprises took place.

Fdeder, the industrial production was still lower than agricultural production. Industrialization was faster in inner Croatia than in other regions, while Dalmatia remained one of the poorest provinces of Austria-Hungary. /21444.txt to estimates, roughlyCroats emigrated from Austria-Hungary between and In 8. In Croatia became part of the Windows r2 datacenter mak key free of Yugoslaviawhich was in the nevis 390 feeder free period one of the least developed countries in Europe.

Most of its industry was based in Slovenia and Croatia, but further industrial development was modest and centered on textile mills, sawmills, brick yards and food-processing plants. Nevis 390 feeder free economy was still traditionally based on agriculture and raising of livestock, with peasants accounting for more than half of Croatia's population. The economic system of NDH was based посмотреть больше the concept of "Croatian socialism ". The fulfillment of basic economic interests was primarily ensured with measures of repression.

Its currency was the NDH kuna. The Croatian State Bank was the central bank, responsible for issuing currency. As the war progressed the government kept printing more money and its amount in circulation was rapidly increasing, resulting in high inflation rates.

By almost all domestic and foreign-owned capital had been nationalized. The industrialization plan relied on high taxation, fixed prices, war reparationsSoviet credits, and export of food and raw materials. Forced collectivization of agriculture was initiated in A rapid improvement of food production and the standard of living was expected, but due to bad results the program was abandoned three years later.

Throughout the s Croatia experienced rapid urbanization. Decentralization came in and spurred growth of several sectors including the prosperous tourist industry. In the mids, Yugoslavia lifted emigration restrictions and the nevia of emigrants increased 309.

Inworkers from Croatia were frse abroad, mostly in West Germany. This, coupled with austerity programs and hyperinflation in the s, led to discontent in both Croatia and Slovenia which eventually fuelled political movements calling for independence.

In the late s and early s, with the collapse of socialism and the beginning of economic transitionCroatia faced considerable economic problems stemming from: [75].

At the time Croatia gained independence, its economy and the whole Yugoslavian economy was in the middle of recession. Privatization under the new government had barely begun when war broke out in As a nevis 390 feeder free of the Croatian War of Independenceinfrastructure sustained massive damage in the period —92, especially the revenue-rich tourism industry.

Privatization in Croatia and transformation from veeder planned economy to a market economy was thus slow and unsteady, largely as a result of public mistrust when many state-owned companies were sold to politically well-connected at below-market prices. With the end of the war, Croatia's economy recovered moderately, but corruption, cronyism, and a general lack of transparency stymied economic reforms and foreign investment.

The early s were characterized by high inflation rates. In the Croatian dinar was vree as a transitional currency, but inflation continued to accelerate. The anti-inflationary stabilization steps in decreased retail nevis 390 feeder free inflation from a monthly rate of In Croatia introduced the kuna as its currency. As a result of the macro-stabilization programs, the negative growth of GDP during the early s stopped and turned ссылка на страницу a positive trend.

Post-war reconstruction activity provided another impetus to growth. Consumer spending and private sector nevis 390 feeder free, both of which were postponed during the war, contributed to the growth in — In Привожу ссылку Croatia agreed with the Paris Club of creditor governments and took In July an agreement was reached with the London Neviw of commercial creditors, when Nevis 390 feeder free took In around 60 percent of Croatia's external debt was inherited from former Yugoslavia.

At the beginning of value-added tax was introduced. The central government budget was in surplus in that year, most of which was used to repay nevis 390 feeder free debt. However, the consumer boom was disrupted in midas a result of the bank crisis when 14 banks went bankrupt. After several years of successful macroeconomic stabilization policies, low inflation and a stable currency, economists warned that the lack of fiscal changes and the expanding role of the state in the economy caused the decline in the late s teeder were preventing sustainable economic growth.

The country emerged from the recession in the 4th quarter of and growth picked up in Economic growth in the s was stimulated by блога acronis disk director 12.5 iso free думаю credit boom led by newly privatized banks, capital investment, especially in road construction, a rebound in tourism and credit-driven consumer spending.

Inflation 309 tame and the currency, the kuna, stable. In Croatia generated 5, billion kunas in total income jevis the shipbuilding sector, which employed 13, people. Unemployment reached its peak in latebut has since been steadily declining. Inthe nation's economy would officially recover to the amount of GDP fgee had in Unemployment continued falling, powered by growing industrial production and rising GDP, rather than only seasonal changes from tourism. Unemployment reached an all-time low in when the annual average rate was 8.

Most economic indicators remained positive in this period except for the external debt as Croatian firms focused more on empowering the economy by taking loans from foreign resources. The Croatian National Bank feeded to take steps to curb further growth of indebtedness of local banks with foreign banks.

Economic growth has been hurt by the global financial crisis. However, inthe crisis gained momentum and the decline in GDP /70094.txt, at a slower pace, continued during In the GDP stagnated as feeer growth rate was zero.

Croatia joined the European Union on 1 July as the 28th member state. The Croatian economy is heavily interdependent on other nevis 390 feeder free economies of Europe, and any negative trends in these larger EU economies also have frew negative impact on Croatia. Italy, Germany and Slovenia are Croatia's most important trade partners. The annual average nevis 390 feeder free rate in was In external debt rose by 2. During the Croatian nevis 390 feeder free started with slow but upward economic growth, which continued during and conclusive at the fweder of the year seasonally feedsr was recorded at mevis.

In the first quarter ofCroatian GDP rose by fefder. Economic activity also plunged источник Q3 when GDP slid by an additional Preliminary data point to tourism-related expenditure already exceeding levels, which нажмите чтобы узнать больше been supportive of both employment and consumption.

At the same time, imports rose The coverage of imports by exports for the first nine months is Specifically, on the EU market, only a lower export result is recorded nevid relations with SwedenBelgium and Luxembourg.

Italy is again the main market for Croatian products, followed nevis 390 feeder free Germany and Slovenia. Apart from the high contribution of crude oil that Ina sends to Hungary nevis 390 feeder free the Mol refinery for processing, the export of artificial fertilizers from Petrokemija also has a fere contribution to growth.

Forthe Commission revised downwards its projection for Croatia's economic growth to nevis 390 feeder free. Commission again nevis 390 feeder free that the volume of Croatia's GDP should reach its level duringwhile in the GDP will grow by 3. The Commission warned that the key downside risks mevis from Croatia's relatively low vaccination rateswhich could lead to stricter containment measures, and continued delays of the earthquake-related reconstruction.

On the upside, potential entry into the Schengen area and euro adoption towards the end of the forecast period could nevis 390 feeder free investment nveis trade. Maraska liqueur factory in Zadar. Tourism is a notable source of income feever the summer and a major industry in Croatia.

Its positive effects are felt throughout the economy of Croatia in terms of increased business volume observed in retail business, processing industry orders and summer seasonal neis. The industry is considered an export business, because it significantly reduces the country's feder trade imbalance.

Length of a tourist stay in Croatia averages 4. The bulk of the tourist industry is concentrated along the Adriatic Sea coast. Opatija was the first holiday resort since the middle of the 19th century. By the s, it became one of the most significant European health resorts. Inland areas offer mountain resorts, agrotourism and spas.

Zagreb is also a significant tourist destination, rivalling major coastal cities and resorts.



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North America's first transcontinental railroad known originally as the " Pacific Railroad " and later as the " Overland Route " was a 1,mile 3, km continuous railroad line constructed between and that connected the existing eastern U. The resulting coast-to-coast railroad connection revolutionized the settlement and economy of the American West.

The first transcontinental rail passengers arrived at the Pacific Railroad's original western terminus at the Alameda Terminal on September 6, , where they transferred to the steamer Alameda for transport across the Bay to San Francisco.

The road's rail terminus was moved two months later to the Oakland Long Wharf , about a mile to the north, when its expansion was completed and opened for passengers on November 8, The transcontinental line became popularly known as the Overland Route after the name of the principal passenger rail service to Chicago that operated over the length of the line until Among the early proponents of building a railroad line that would connect the coasts of the United States was Dr.

Hartwell Carver , who in submitted to the U. Congress agreed to support the idea. Under the direction of the Department of War , the Pacific Railroad Surveys were conducted from through These included an extensive series of expeditions of the American West seeking possible routes. A report on the explorations described alternative routes and included an immense amount of information about the American West , covering at least , sq mi 1,, km 2.

It included the region's natural history and illustrations of reptiles, amphibians, birds, and mammals. The report failed however to include detailed topographic maps of potential routes needed to estimate the feasibility, cost and select the best route.

The survey was detailed enough to determine that the best southern route lay south of the Gila River boundary with Mexico in mostly vacant desert, through the future territories of Arizona and New Mexico. This in part motivated the United States to complete the Gadsden Purchase. The necessity that now exists for constructing lines of railroad and telegraphic communication between the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of this continent is no longer a question for argument; it is conceded by every one.

In order to maintain our present position on the Pacific, we must have some more speedy and direct means of intercourse than is at present afforded by the route through the possessions of a foreign power. The U. Congress was strongly divided on where the eastern terminus of the railroad should be—in a southern or northern city. Once the central route was chosen, it was immediately obvious that the western terminus should be Sacramento.

But there was considerable difference of opinion about the eastern terminus. Three locations along miles km of Missouri River were considered:. Council Bluffs had several advantages: It was well north of the Civil War fighting in Missouri; it was the shortest route to South Pass in the Rockies in Wyoming; and it would follow a fertile river that would encourage settlement.

Durant had hired the future president Abraham Lincoln in when he was an attorney to represent him in a business matter about a bridge over the Missouri. Now Lincoln was responsible for choosing the eastern terminus, and he relied on Durant's counsel.

Durant advocated for Omaha, and he was so confident of the choice that he began buying up land in Nebraska. One of the most prominent champions of the central route railroad was Asa Whitney. He envisioned a route from Chicago and the Great Lakes to northern California, paid for by the sale of land to settlers along the route.

Whitney traveled widely to solicit support from businessmen and politicians, printed maps and pamphlets, and submitted several proposals to Congress , all at his own expense.

In June , he led a team along part of the proposed route to assess its feasibility. Theodore Judah was a fervent supporter of the central route railroad. He lobbied vigorously in favor of the project and undertook the survey of the route through the rugged Sierra Nevada, one of the chief obstacles of the project. In , Judah was chief engineer for the newly formed Sacramento Valley Railroad , the first railroad built west of the Mississippi River.

Although the railroad later went bankrupt once the easy placer gold deposits around Placerville, California were depleted, Judah was convinced that a properly financed railroad could pass from Sacramento through the Sierra Nevada mountains to reach the Great Basin and hook up with rail lines coming from the East.

In , Judah wrote a 13,word proposal in support of a Pacific railroad and distributed it to Cabinet secretaries, congressmen and other influential people. In September , Judah was chosen to be the accredited lobbyist for the Pacific Railroad Convention, which indeed approved his plan to survey, finance and engineer the road. Judah returned to Washington in December He had a lobbying office in the United States Capitol , received an audience with President James Buchanan , and represented the Convention before Congress.

Judah returned to California in He continued to search for a more practical route through the Sierra suitable for a railroad. In mid, local miner Daniel Strong had surveyed a route over the Sierra for a wagon toll road, which he realized would also suit a railroad. He described his discovery in a letter to Judah.

Together, they formed an association to solicit subscriptions from local merchants and businessmen to support their proposed railroad. They discovered a way across the Sierras that was gradual enough to be made suitable for a railroad, although it still needed a lot of work. All became substantially wealthy from their association with the railroad.

Former ophthalmologist Dr. Thomas Clark "Doc" Durant was nominally only a vice president of Union Pacific, so he installed a series of respected men like John Adams Dix as president of the railroad.

Durant and its financing arrangements were, unlike those of the CPRR, mired in controversy and scandals. It passed the House but died when it could not be reconciled with the Senate version because of opposition from southern states who wanted a southern route near the 42nd parallel.

After the southern states seceded from the Union, the House of Representatives approved the bill on May 6, , and the Senate on June Lincoln signed the Pacific Railroad Act of into law on July 1. It authorized creation of two companies, the Central Pacific in the west and the Union Pacific in the mid-west, to build the railroad. To finance the project, the act authorized the federal government to issue year U. The two railroad companies sold similar amounts of company-backed bonds and stock.

While the federal legislation for the Union Pacific required that no partner was to own more than 10 percent of the stock, the Union Pacific had problems selling its stock. One of the few subscribers was The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints leader Brigham Young , who also supplied crews for building much of the railroad through Utah. This scheme enabled Durant to control about half of the railroad stock.

The initial construction of Union Pacific grade traversed land owned by Durant. Durant manipulated market prices on his stocks by spreading rumors about which railroads he had an interest in were being considered for connection with the Union Pacific.

Collis Huntington , a Sacramento hardware merchant, heard Judah's presentation about the railroad at the St. Charles Hotel in November He invited Judah to his office to hear his proposal in detail. Huntington persuaded Judah to accept financing from himself and four others: Mark Hopkins , his business partner; James Bailey, a jeweler; Leland Stanford , a grocer; and Charles Crocker , a dry-goods merchant. Each eventually made millions of dollars from their investments and control of the Central Pacific Railroad.

However, shortly after arriving in New York, Judah died on November 2, , of yellow fever that he had contracted while traveling over the Panama Railroad 's transit of the Isthmus of Panama.

To allow the companies to raise additional capital, Congress granted the railroads a foot 61 m right-of-way corridor, lands for additional facilities like sidings and maintenance yards. They were also granted alternate sections of government-owned lands—6, acres 2, ha per mile 1.

The railroad companies were given the odd-numbered sections while the federal government retained the even-numbered sections. The exception was in cities, at rivers, or on non-government property. It was far from a given that the railroads operating in the thinly-settled west would make enough money to repay their construction and operation. If they failed to repay the bonds, all remaining railroad property, including trains and tracks, would revert to the U.

This incentive encouraged thousands of settlers to move west. The federal legislation lacked adequate oversight and accountability. The two companies took advantage of these weaknesses in the legislation to manipulate the project and produce extra profit for themselves.

Despite the generous subsidies offered by the federal government, the railroad capitalists knew they would not turn a profit on the railroad business for many months, possibly years. They determined to make a profit on the construction itself. Both groups of financiers formed independent companies to complete the project, and they controlled management of the new companies along with the railroad ventures. This self-dealing allowed them to build in generous profit margins paid out by the railroad companies.

In the west, the four men heading the Central Pacific chose a simple name for their company, the "Contract and Finance Company. Also, the lack of federal oversight provided both companies with incentives to continue building their railroads past one other, since they were each being paid, and receiving land grants, based on how many miles of track they laid, even though only one track would eventually be used.

This tacitly-agreed profiteering activity was captured probably accidentally by Union Pacific photographer Andrew J. Russell in his images of the Promontory Trestle construction. Many of the civil engineers and surveyors who were hired by the Union Pacific had been employed during the American Civil War to repair and operate the over 2, miles 3, km of railroad line the U.

Military Railroad controlled by the end of the war. The Union Pacific also utilized their experience repairing and building truss bridges during the war. After , the Central Pacific Railroad received the same Federal financial incentives as the Union Pacific Railroad, along with some construction bonds granted by the state of California and the city of San Francisco.

The Central Pacific hired some Canadian and European civil engineers and surveyors with extensive experience building railroads, but it had a difficult time finding semi-skilled labor. Most Caucasians in California preferred to work in the mines or agriculture.

The railroad experimented by hiring local emigrant Chinese as manual laborers, many of whom were escaping the poverty and terrors of the war in the Sze Yup districts in the Pearl River Delta of Guangdong province in China. The railroad also hired some black people escaping the aftermath of the American Civil War. The Central Pacific broke ground on January 8, Because of insufficient transportation alternatives from the manufacturing centers on the east coast, virtually all of their tools and machinery including rails, railroad switches , railroad turntables , freight and passenger cars, and steam locomotives were transported first by train to east coast ports.

They were then loaded on ships which either sailed around South America's Cape Horn , or offloaded the cargo at the Isthmus of Panama , where it was sent across via paddle steamer and the Panama Railroad. The latter route was about twice as expensive per pound. Many of these steam engines, railroad cars, and other machinery were shipped dismantled and had to be reassembled. The Union Pacific Railroad did not start construction for another 18 months until July They were delayed by difficulties obtaining financial backing and the unavailability of workers and materials due to the Civil War.

Their start point in the new city of Omaha, Nebraska was not yet connected via railroad to Council Bluffs, Iowa. Equipment needed to begin work was initially delivered to Omaha and Council Bluffs by paddle steamers on the Missouri River.


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